Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Address Proof Card by India Post

Address Proof Card by India Post :
Address proof is necessary for every one to open a bank account, to take SIM card and for many other purposes. We see many people facing difficulties because of lack of proper address proof. For these people, Indian Postal Department is issuing address proofs. Keeping in view the difficulty of the people who get frequent transfers or who shift their house frequently, Andhra Pradesh State Postal Department is approving these address proofs.

This system has proved to be a successful one in Tamil Nadu and now officials are trying to implement in Andhra Pradesh.

Smart cards which will be valid for one year and the total cost for getting this ID card is Rs.250/ (Rs.10 for application and Rs.240/- processing fee).

Related application can be availed at all the post offices of the state and the applicant needs to submit his/her full details along with a photo. After verifying all the details of the applicant, these cards are issued within fifteen days.

For application Form 'click here'
Additional Info:

Postal Identity Card is issued under clause 63 of the Post Office Guide - Part I for the benefit of tourists, traveling representatives of firms and other members of the public who experience difficulty in establishing their identity in connection with postal transactions, e.g., receipt of registered and insured articles and payment of money orders in the post town through which they pass. These cards will be obtainable at any head post office by literate persons whose identity is well established in the locality in which they reside or who can be vouched for by substantial permanent residents known to the postmaster.

The card will contain a full description of its holder, his signature and photograph and will be current for a period of three years from the date of issue. After the expiry of the period of validity of the card, a fresh card will have to be applied for.

The use of these cards is entirely optional. Holders will ordinarily receive delivery of postal articles and payment of money orders on their presentation but in cases of doubt it will be open to postmasters to make such further enquiry as they may consider necessary to establish the identity of the applicants with the holders of the cards and to demand additional corroborative evidence of such identity.

In the event of the loss of a card, a duplicate will be issued to the holder on the conditions laid down in sub-clause (2) above besides paying the prescribed fee and on his giving a written declaration absolving the department from all responsibility in the event of the misuse of the original.

Friday, 11 June 2010

mania mania soccer o mania...2010

Sharing few details i know abt FIFA world cup 2010 in South Africa.

Players to watch
Miraslov Kloze - Germany
Chirstiano Ronaldo - Portugal
Lional Messi - Argentina
David Villa, Fernando Torres - Spain
Kaka, Louis Fabiano, Rabinho - Brazil
Drogba - Ivory Coast
Samuel Eto, Stephani Embiyo - Cameroon
Robin Waan Persi, Willain Gallas - France
Sotiris Ninis - Greece
Walter Barsa, Miraslov Stach, Marek Hamsik - Slovakia
Jand Tse Tsi - North Korea
Ki Sung Yang - South Korea
Takayuki Marimoto - Japan
Arzen Roben - Netherlands
JiyanLizi Baphan - Italy

Group Placements

Match Schedule - IST
FIFA 2010-Soccer Schedule